Last week I joined The Sketchbook Project.
I ordered a sketchbook and i have 40 days to fill 40 pages!
Then i send it back to the United States.
"Thousands of sketchbooks will be exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the country" Arthouseco-op says. Click on the image for more information.
A very nice idea don't you think? 28728 artists from 94 countries around the world are participating!
Intro page. Pencil, blue pencil and acrylic on Moleskine paper.
On the left there will be a pocket with my biography but i made an info page on the right too.
Spread 1. Blue pencil, color pencil and acrylic on old book paper.
The paper in the background is from a very old book with old fashioned dutch language.
Spread 2. Acrylic, (color)pencil, fineliner, wallpaper and ballpoint on Moleskin paper.
I want to give this book a feminin style with all the things that i love in it.
Spread 3. Acrylic, (color) pencil and ballpoint on paper.
I have to paint a bracelet, so i used this page for it. I love to freestyle and see what happens.